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This renders the document in high contrast mode.
This renders the document as white on black
This can help those with trouble processing rapid screen movements.
This loads a font easier to read for people with dyslexia.
Ben Yitzhak Award


That's the Whole Story

  • Date iconJuly 6 2018 - April 26 2019
  • Curator: Orna Granot
  • Children's book illustrations
  • Nino Biniashvili, Yael Albert, Batya Colton, Gilad Seliktar, and Niv Tishbi

Winners of the Israel Museum Ben-Yitzhak Award for the Illustration of a Children's Book, 2018

A coyote who dresses up as a princess; a famous veterinarian who heals every ache; Saint Nino’s challenging journey to the Caucuses; two girls who fight over a doll; and even one unbelievable yet true story about a famous Israeli singer performing in a refugee camp in Cyprus – all these characters can be found in the books honored this year. The exhibition features a selection of illustrations from books as well as letters created by the illustrators specifically for the display.

נינו ביניאשוילי , על שפת הים השחור


גלעד סליקטר , בבה תותי

בתיה קולטון, ד״ר איכואב


ניב תשבי, הנסיכה תבוא בארבע

יעל אלברט, הביתה