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1+1=ביחד - תערוכה


  • Date iconJune 7 2024
  • Curator: Michal Broshi Nachmany
          Associate Curator: Lia Lahav-Klein
  • Designer: Ariel Armoni
  • Ruth Youth Wing

In these difficult times, we all yearn to be together, playing, creating, and spending time with others. Together there are more opportunities, and when people create art together, special things can be achieved. In this year's Youth Wing exhibition 1+1=Together we invite you to a unique experience of collaboration - with each other, and with the artists participating in the show.

Visitors to the exhibition are welcomed into a play area with giant domino tiles. On the surrounding walls you can join in recreating famous artworks by attaching color-coded Post-It notes that will gradually reveal a larger picture. In the following galleries you'll encounter art installations in which every visitor can play a part, building, drawing, or playing music. In some of the installations, your own contribution will join that of other visitors until an entire work is created; in others, the work changes daily as visitors add their input.

This is an exhibition that depends on the visitors for its existence. Let's cooperate, play and work together to make the show work!



Reli Avrahami, Tal Erez, Inbal Gil, Keren Gueller, Meirav Heiman, Michal Helfman, Yaal Tevet, Jaro Varga, Yifeat Ziv, Hadas Hassid, Haimi Fenichel, Eitan Kedmi and Roy Roth


Photo: © The Israel Museum, Jerusalem by Oded Antman
Photo: © The Israel Museum, Jerusalem by Oded Antman
Photo: © The Israel Museum, Jerusalem by Oded Antman